Lush Christmas Products 2019
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Živjo punce.
V Božičnem duhu vas danes čaka še ena objava o prazničnih izdelkih. Tokrat sem preizkušala Lush izdelke. Tudi Lush naredi praznike prav čarobne s posebnimi praznično obarvanimi izdelki. Vsako leto se jih razveselim, saj ustvarijo (izumijo) kaj novega, ki me pritegne. Večina izdelkov je letos tudi brez embalaže. So pa njihovi izdelki super za obdarovanja ali dodatek k darilu. Sem prepričana, da bi se jih vsi razveselili. Pa poglejmo kaj sem preizkušala in kako se mi zdijo izdelki...
Hi girls.
In a Christmas spirit, today we have another christmassy post. This time I also tried some new Lush Christmas products. Christmas at Lush is actually quite magical. They have so many festive products and in stores everything feels so joyful. This year also most of the products are without packaging. I feel like you cannot go wrong with their products are Christmas presents (as long as you know what kind of scents the person likes). Either you buy a whole present or just an added bonus to your main gift, I'm sure you could find something interesting at Lush. Also some products are quite fun to use. So let's see what I tested this year...
Butter Bear Soap
V Božičnem duhu vas danes čaka še ena objava o prazničnih izdelkih. Tokrat sem preizkušala Lush izdelke. Tudi Lush naredi praznike prav čarobne s posebnimi praznično obarvanimi izdelki. Vsako leto se jih razveselim, saj ustvarijo (izumijo) kaj novega, ki me pritegne. Večina izdelkov je letos tudi brez embalaže. So pa njihovi izdelki super za obdarovanja ali dodatek k darilu. Sem prepričana, da bi se jih vsi razveselili. Pa poglejmo kaj sem preizkušala in kako se mi zdijo izdelki...
Hi girls.
In a Christmas spirit, today we have another christmassy post. This time I also tried some new Lush Christmas products. Christmas at Lush is actually quite magical. They have so many festive products and in stores everything feels so joyful. This year also most of the products are without packaging. I feel like you cannot go wrong with their products are Christmas presents (as long as you know what kind of scents the person likes). Either you buy a whole present or just an added bonus to your main gift, I'm sure you could find something interesting at Lush. Also some products are quite fun to use. So let's see what I tested this year...
Happy Shower Gel
Vonj me spominja na Bubbly gel za tuširanje, ki je bil lansko leto tudi omejena izdaja za Božič. Medtem, ko je Happy morda če bolj "kisel". Vsebuje olje sicilijanske limone, grenke pomaranče ter nerolijevo olje. Ekstrakt irskega mahu pa daje občutek vlažilnosti.
Tuš gel izgleda galaktično z bleščicami in modro zeleno barvo. Prav zabaven je za uporabo. Vonj je precej kisel, spominja me na kisle bonbone, kar mi je res všeč. Ni preveč vpadljiv vonj in mi naredi tuširanje bolj zabavno. Zelo odišavi kopalnico po svežem, vendar se mi zdi, da s kože kar hitro zgine - to je precej značilno za takšne citrusne vonje.
Right away this scent reminded me of Bubbly shower gel (last years limited edition shower gel for Christmas). That one smelled like oranges, thought this one smells even more sour, like sour candy. It contains juicy blend of lemon and sweet wild orange oil. Carrageenan Extract gives you a hydrating feeling.
Shower gel looks galactic with lots of shimmer and bluish green color. It's so fun to use. I love the sour scent because I'm all about fruity scents. It definitely scents the whole bathroom. However on the skin it doesn't last for a long time - that's usually the case with citrusy scents. I would love to use it in the summer.Butter Bear Soap
Milo v obliki medvedka ima kremno sadno sladko dišavo (ylang ylang). Naj bi sicer dišalo malce bolj čokoladno. Mene spominja na vonj bele čokolade, vendar ni pretirano sladek. Vsebuje ricinusovo olje ter kakavovo maslo, ki ustvarita kremno peno. Sama zadnje čase uporabljam samo trda mila, ker so brez embalaže!, jih imam za dolgo časa, ter so super tudi za pranje čopičev. Zdi se mi tudi super darilo, ker ni le navadno milo, je ročno narejeno in ima prijetno dišavo.
This soap is supposed to smell chocolatey and after a few uses it does start to smell like white chocolate but with a bit of a fruity undertone. It's a gentle but comforting scent. I use it for washing my hands and it lathers up very well. I like Lush soaps because they don't leave your skin much with a dry feeling. A bear shaped soap is really nice to use because its size is like my hands. And then I also end up using Lush soaps for cleaning my brushes.
This soap is supposed to smell chocolatey and after a few uses it does start to smell like white chocolate but with a bit of a fruity undertone. It's a gentle but comforting scent. I use it for washing my hands and it lathers up very well. I like Lush soaps because they don't leave your skin much with a dry feeling. A bear shaped soap is really nice to use because its size is like my hands. And then I also end up using Lush soaps for cleaning my brushes.
Yog Nog Solid Body Conditioner
Diši po keksih s cimetom saj vsebuje olje nageljnovih žbic (klinčki). Res je taki vonj za pojest in popolnoma ustreza božičnemu vzdušju. Kožo navlažijo karitejevo maslo, mandljevo olje, ilipe maslo.
Tip izdelka mi je dobro poznan, saj sem lani preizkušala Snow Fairy vonj. Gre za balzam, ki se podrgne po mokri koži ter nato rahlo spere. Je super za nas "lenobe", ki se nam ne da vedno mazati z losjoni ter čakati, da se vpijejo. Tako ta balzam vzame samo par sekund. Sicer je za shranjevanje pod tušem malce masten (in tudi tuš postane masten), zato priporočam uporabo podstavka za milo. Ampak, ko se stuširaš in posušiš ne pusti mastnega ali lepljivega občutka. Na vrhu ima posute bleščice, katere priporočam, da kar hitro sperete, ker boste drugače bleščeči in zlati kot božičen okrasek. Hkrati je mogoče oblika balzama malce nerodna za uporabo, ampak se navadiš. Učinek morda naslednji dan ni isti kot pri navadnem losjonu, ampak je meni dovolj vlažilen.
If you like the smell of cookies and cinnamon, this one will be for you - actually a whole range. It contains clove bud oil, so it definitely smells like that and it is all christmassy. The shea butter, almond oil and ilipe butter hydrate the skin.
I was familiar with this product because last year I tried the Snow Fairy scent in the same form. It is a body conditioner which you apply onto the wet skin and then shower off a bit. It's great for anyone who's lazy with lotions (like me) because this one is quick and effortless. It can be messy to store, because the surface could get greasy, so it's best to keep it on the soap dish. It moisturises the skin but without feeling sticky or greasy when you come out of the shower and you dry yourself with a towel. The conditioner is sprinkled with shimmer, so it's best to quickly remove it if you don't wanna be gold and shiny like a Christmas ornament. And the shape might be a bit awkward to use, but you get used to it. The effect next day might not be the same as with a normal body lotion but I like it and it is hydrating enough for me.
If you like the smell of cookies and cinnamon, this one will be for you - actually a whole range. It contains clove bud oil, so it definitely smells like that and it is all christmassy. The shea butter, almond oil and ilipe butter hydrate the skin.
I was familiar with this product because last year I tried the Snow Fairy scent in the same form. It is a body conditioner which you apply onto the wet skin and then shower off a bit. It's great for anyone who's lazy with lotions (like me) because this one is quick and effortless. It can be messy to store, because the surface could get greasy, so it's best to keep it on the soap dish. It moisturises the skin but without feeling sticky or greasy when you come out of the shower and you dry yourself with a towel. The conditioner is sprinkled with shimmer, so it's best to quickly remove it if you don't wanna be gold and shiny like a Christmas ornament. And the shape might be a bit awkward to use, but you get used to it. The effect next day might not be the same as with a normal body lotion but I like it and it is hydrating enough for me.
Polar Bear Nose Shower Bomb
Tole pa je nov izdelek. Gre za bombico za tuširanje. Sicer imam sama kopalno kad, ta izdelek pa je namenjen predvsem tistim, ki je nimate in si želite enake izkušnje. To lahko storite pod tušem. Sicer se meni ne zdi enaka izkušnja, pa vendar mi je bilo tuširanje s to bombico zelo fajn. Ne stopi se takoj, tako, da sem jo sama podrgnila pod vodo, da se je začela peniti in jo nato podrgnila po telesu. Nato sem jo odložila in sem se normalno tuširala ter sem še vedno imela nekaj bombice na voljo. Na telesu je ustvarila kremno teksturo. Izgledala pa sem kot, da se tuširam z glino, ker je seveda črne barve. Z bombico sem si naredila nežen piling in normalno stuširala. Zdi se mi, da je pustila kožo lepo mehko. Ima vonj po mentolu in evkaliptusu tako, da je osvežilna. In pa z zemeljskim pridihom. Sicer se mi zdi takšno tuširanje drago (bombica stane: 4,50€) ampak je zabavno za enkratno preizkušanje.
This is a new product to me. It's a shower bomb and is great for people without bath tub. Though I own one, so I could compare the experience. And I have to say that it is not the same. But I think it's fun to have a shower with a shower bomb. It doesn't melt instantly, which is great. I put it a bit under water and then rub it onto my skin. It creates a nice thick foam and it looked like I showered with clay because it's black. The foam was really nice and softening and it made a bit of a scrub. I could use it twice, but I kept on rubbing it on. I shaved and showered like normal. It smelled like menthol and eucalyptus, so it was refreshing but with a bit of an earthy undertone. It was a fun experience, though not as relaxing as in the bath tub. And I do think this shower was a bit expensive (4,50€).

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