Favorite Makeup of 2019
Wednesday, January 01, 2020
Leto 2020 je tukaj in čas je za favorite leta 2019. Začenjamo z ličili, ki jih je letos malce več. Lanske favorite med ličili pa si lahko ogledaš tukaj. To so moji favoriti, ki sem jih preizkušala in so me navdušili v letošnjem letu. Nekako se ponavlja tip ličil, ki so mi najljubši, pa vendar so se odtenki malce zamenjali.
Hi girls.
It's the end of 2019 and it's time for yearly favorites. Starting off with favorite makeup. This year I purchased many great products and loved them. Last years favorites you can find here. I seem to repeat some brands and type of makeup. But some shades have changed. Still I stick to some makeup all the time. Most of this makeup I purchased myself...
IT Cosmetics Your Skin But Better CC+ Oil-Free Matte with SPF 40 - Fair
Opevana CC krema je tudi mene navdušila. Okej, morem priznati, da ni najboljši "puder" kar sem jih preizkusila, vendar se mi je hitro priljubil. Veliko pudrov se na moji mastni koži ne obnese, četudi so testirani na takšni koži. Zato imam le en ozek izbor podlag. O tej CC kremi govorim kot o pudru, ker je tako prekrivna, da zame ni samo CC krema. Je lahkotna in ustvari lep naravno matirajoč videz. Po njej se sicer hitreje svetim, vendar mi to ni moteče. Najbolj mi je všeč za dneve, ko se mi ne da ličit, ampak želim, da moja koža vseeno izgleda poenoteno in kot da je lepo naličena. Res je drag izdelek, vendar imam nekaj dražjih pudrov, ki se ne obnesejo tako dobro. Celotno objavo si lahko prebereš tukaj.
It Cosmetics CC cream is talk about so much, I had to try it. It's not the best foundation I've tried, however it grew on me and I've been loving it. I rarely find foundations that really work for my oily skin, so I have a limited selection. This foundation is not really a foundation, but a CC cream with more coverage. It's lightweight and is mattifying but still looks natural on the skin. I get shiny quicker, but I like the natural effect. I love it for days when I don't want much makeup on my skin, but still want to look presentable. It is quite expensive, however I have more expensive foundations that don't look as nice. You can find the whole post here.
Nars Radiant Creamy Concealer & Maybelline Fit Me Concealer
Dva korektorja, ki sta me očaral to leto. Sicer sta si zelo podobna, zato se ne morem odločiti kateri mi je boljši, pa vendar si oba zaslužita mesto med favoriti. O njiju sem spisala primerjavo (več tukaj). Nars korektor je bolj prekriven in res dolgoobstojen, vendar je precej drag. Medtem, ko je Maybelline korektor tudi dovolj prekriven, daje naraven izgled ter je precej cenejši. Če bi se cenovno odločala bi zmagal Maybelline. Ko potrebujem večjo prekrivnost pa izberem Nars korektor. Vsak ima svoje prednosti, vendar sta oba dobra saj se ne vsedata v gubice.
The two concealers that wowed me this year. They might be really similar (even a dupe) but they are a bit different. You can read the whole comparison here. Nars concealer has a lot of coverage and is very long lasting but quite expensive. While Maybelline one has still a nice coverage, but is lighter and quite cheaper. If I chose based on the price, I'd choose Maybelline. However when I want a lot of coverage, I choose Nars. They're both good though and don't crease or settle into the lines.
Too Faced Better Than Sex Mascara
Še en kultni izdelek. In tudi mene je očaral. Gre za opevano maskaro (dupe naj bi bil L'orealova Lash Paradise maskara - katere nisem preizkusila). Je zelo volumenska, kar sama najprej iščem v maskari. Ima gosto krtačko in res zgosti ter naredi trepalnice zelo temno črne. Prav tako se ne razpaca kar tako.
Another cult product which wowed me. The famous mascara (L'Oreal has a dupe - Lash Paradise mascara which I haven't tried). It's very volumizing which I love. The thick brush really gets into the lashes and coats them nicely. The lashes look so voluminous and extremely black. Also it is quite long lasting.
Guerlain Maxi Lash Mascara
Potem pa sem proti koncu leta preizkusila še eno odlično maskaro. Sicer je precej parfumirana, kar marsikomu ne bi bilo všeč. Tudi ta ima bolj gosto krtačko. Čeprav izgleda embalaža majhna, je v njej veliko maskare. Je zelo dobro volumenska in me je navdušila že od prve uporabe (običajno se morejo klasične maskare najprej malce posušiti). Več fotografij najdeš tukaj.
And then in the other half of the year I've tried Guerlain mascara and was again really impressed. This one is a bit perfumed which some might not like. I like the thick brush and nice packaging. It might look a bit small but it holds a lot of product. The volume effect is really great and it performed amazing even from the first try (usually you have to wait for mascara to dry a bit, so it starts performing great). You can find more photos and a post here.
Becca Shimmering Skin Perfector Spotlight C-Pop
V letu 2019 sem našla tudi popoln odtenek Becca tekočega osvetljevalca. Pred tem sem uporabljala odtenek Opal, ki pa je bil malce temen za zimski čas. Ti osvetljevalci imajo res super teksturo. Zelo enostavno se nanašajo s prsti in sploh niso lepljivi. Se ne posušijo hitro, tako, da imaš čas, da ga zabrišeš (imam kar nekaj tekočih osvetljevalcev, ki se prehitro posušijo in jih niti ne morem dobro zabrisati).
This year I purchased another one of Becca liquid highlighters. This time in a lighter shade. Last year I used Opal, which was a bit dark for winter time. I just love the texture of these highlighters. They're so easy to apply with fingers and are not sticky at all. You also have some time to blend it in, not like some highlighters which dry quick before you can even blend them. Plus this small packaging seems to last a long time.
Catrice Luminice Highlight & Bronze Glow Palette 020 Feel Gold
Še en odličen osvetljevalec. Ta je drogerijski in ima denarnici prijazno ceno. Se pa lahko primerja z dražjimi osvetljevalci. Srednji odtenek je popoln: ne preveč zlat, v "šampanjec" barvi. Ni bleščičast, ampak daje res lep sijoč videz. Celotno oceno si lahko ogledaš tukaj.
Another great but drugstore highlighter. I say it could compare to more expensive highlighters. The middle shade is absolutely perfect (champagne shade) and looks so glowy on the skin without looking shimmery. Read more here.
Fenty Beauty Gloss Bomb - Diamond Milk
Lani sem imela enakega favorita v odtenku Fenty Glow, letos pa sem v Italiji kupila še svetlejši odtenek: Diamond Milk. Glos ima fajno gosto teksturo in se na ustnicah obdrži kar nekaj časa. Včasih ga uporabim kar namesto balzama za ustnice, ker je malce hranljiv. Ima njami sladek vonj.
Še en izdelek, kateri je bil moj najljubši že lani (v odtenku Fenty Glow). Letos pa sem izbrala svetlejši odtenek: Diamond Milk. The gloss has a thicker texture, so it sticks to the lips for a longer time. It's not sticky at all and feels a bit hydrating so sometimes I use it instead of lip balm. Also I love the sweet yummy scent. Plus the packaging is absolutely gorgeous.
Skindinavia The Makeup Finishing Spray - Oil Control
In še nazadnje sprej za utrjevanje ličil. Spet še en precej poznan izdelek v lepotni skupnosti. Gre nekako za cenejšo verzijo Urban Decay All Nighter spreja. Lepo utrdi ličila in manjša videz pudraste kože. Hkrati pa se ne čuti na koži in se hitro posuši. Tudi sprej je zelo fin in ne "zmoči" obraza.
Last but not least we have a setting spray. This one is actually a dupe for All Nighter, but I'm sure you knew that already. So again I got to try and see how it compares. I'd say it is great and it definitely replaces that spray. It fixes makeup very well and eliminates the powdery look. Plus it is lightweight and quickly dries. The nozzle is great and the mist is very fine, so it doesn't give you a wet look.
